Letters To Artemise
Enough now…
I’ve lost too much in my life, and my soul aches upon reflection, but it’s never too late. There comes a time when one must find their place in the world. Time is man’s only treasure, my child. Do not waste it. Always figure out a way to use it wisely. People will try to break you – don’t allow them. For it is only you who holds the power within yourself…
Artemise, I’ve archived much of my life in these letters, written during the years when you were very young, as well as prior to your birth. When you find them, please my darling, save them for another day, when you’re a little bit older, more mature, and therefore more objective with your criticism. I also hope to be near you when you read these, for I still want to be protecting you. However, there isn’t much I can teach you that you cannot learn on your own, my dear.
Just know I’ll always be there, somehow. If for some reason, I am not, in this case, you must promise, pretty please, to remain forever strong. Remember that strength flows directly from the soul, then through the mind, and resides within one’s character.
I’ve spent so much time being lost to myself…
with no idea of what I wanted to do. And as the clock ticks, it is mortality as opposed to science that has derived the most significant conclusions. Keep an open mind and seize opportunities, which allow you to grow, build character, and to better yourself.
Stay humble, help the needy, listen to mom and dad. You know they love you the most.
There will be times when you will have doubts, but please use those feelings as a way to see a situation from various perspectives. While at the same time, don’t you ever dare to doubt yourself. You are capable of anything, and there is no limit, not even the sky! Never allow anyone to cage your free-thinking and independent spirit, for that is the only way you could be broken.

Oh, dear Lord, oh, dear brain, oh, dear Artemise. So much to teach, so little do I know.
I love you. I will always love you, more than anything else in this world, and God forbid what I would do if I ever lost you. With your coming into this life, you have saved me from my inevitable death.
Thank you.
Your dearest brother, sister, mother, father, best friend, and guardian angel, Ira.