First Pages: Some Women
Awakening to this realization could perhaps, turn out to be something that would recharge my awareness and help me to stay more alert.
Temperatures were cooler now, but during the summertime, when the stenches of urine (and the homeless) were at their peak, being in the subway was nearly unbearable. The putrid and repugnant state of the stations, in my opinion, was probably something NYC residents didn’t think too much about. People just rode the train, perhaps reciting lines on their way to an audition, reading stock prices in The Journal, reminiscing about a lover, spying, or just thought about getting ‘there’ really fast. A subway rider could also be thinking about how cool and hip they were to be living in the big city and how much they love the Big Apple. Younger commuters might be thinking about how grown up it is to ride the NYC subway all by themselves. Other individuals, conceivably those who endured more than an hour’s commute, may have thought absolutely nothing at all. They only pondered what their lives would be an hour into the future when they got off the train, or perhaps they mulled over the total time it took to get from point A to point B.

Yes, I still had the feeling, a love in my heart for the city, but this sentiment had seen better days. Maybe it was the friends, the people in your life that actually made the feeling of a city and kept it fun and exciting. Back in the day when I was booking mostly Jr. clothing and teen mags, there were always more girls around me, much more interaction with the agency, and my parents were occasionally involved in the arrangements. As I got older, the money got better, and so did the jobs, but then everybody expected me to do things on my own, which was basically what I wanted anyway. I certainly didn’t want to live in the model apartments anymore. TURN PAGE